





  • 技術力だけでなく、アーティストの魂が込められた作品であること。
  • クライアントに対する真摯な姿勢と、信念を持っていること。
  • 流行や商業主義に迎合しない、独自の美学を追求していること。








Only the real thing remains. Only the truth will be told.

This site aims to be the one and only referral platform for tattoo studios. We are not just an information gathering site. We are committed to identifying the “real” in the tattoo industry and conveying its appeal in a sincere manner.

The atmosphere of the site, the passion of the artists, the tension of the moment etched into the skin – only “truly valuable studios” are selected and introduced.


Our criteria are clear.

  • The work must be not only technically excellent, but it must also be filled with the artist’s soul.
  • Have a sincere attitude and belief in the client.
  • The work must pursue a unique aesthetic that does not pander to trends or commercialism.


A tattoo is not just a decoration. It is a story that will last a lifetime, a part of your life. To support such an important choice, we remain committed to authenticity and realism.


It is those who love authenticity who will shape the future of tattooing.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)